Tuesday, November 26, 2019

MDI Mr. Del Toro was visited by two Secret Service agents out of Baltimore , On May 6th 2015, They were concern about the letter I posted on Facebook warning special agent-in-charge Paula Reid about her rogue NSA & their FBI associates out of her field office in 10350 NW 112 ave Medley FL, I replied I have no way in getting in touch with her,” Reason why" I have sent her numerous register letters to her field office knowingly that it will be intercepted by her NSA rogue officers, that she doesn't know about, I'm hoping that the two Secret Service agents out of Baltimore MD, Are sincere & not Rogue, They told me that her assistants gets her correspondence that made me leery, Because we the people know how strong the code of blue "IS" especially if their rogue, Reasons why my doubt they gave me the impression that they came to lock me up they were asking me why I was obsessed & if I wanted to do any harm to her. I answer where in my letter to Paula Reid suggests any harm or obsession with special agent-in-charge Paula Reid I have the most respect for her because she is not afraid to have her own colleagues fired or incarcerated for misconduct or criminal offense, For Paula Reid to consider very carefully what's going on behind her back with a great majority of her officers, & then they asked me if I thought the government was after me I answered NO if the government was after me they could take me in the middle of the street & shoot me & no one could do anything about it, & what I thought about government I reply we need government because without government criminals will come out & play. & then I went on saying, All I'm trying to do is to expose these federal officers out of Dade County Florida that I traffic their drugs & learned their true nature to be murderer rapist & child molesters & etc., for their incarceration . They shook my hand & told me keep doing what you're doing it is your constitutional right Mr. Del Toro, I Mr. Del Toro have a unique case for the simple fact that I was their drug smuggling mule. This is why they will be easy to indict, on money laundering, drug trafficking, drug smuggling, racketeering, murder, rape, child molestation & racism & etc. In case the political issue, of charges against the accused, for abuse of classified Technology, could not be used as evidence for reasons of national security, follow the money they're multi-millionaire with millions of dollars here & overseas. There is a growing concern in our great nation of our political leaders & law enforcement that are allowing these atrocities to go on without accountability That are not rogue but are spineless cowards that have allowed themselves to be manipulated puppets of bureaucracy, They Have the Innocent Guilty & To Make the Guilty Innocent. That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses, Which is the practice & outgrowth of the Mind Control Programs, This technology created by government is designed to avoid detection & blame for the offending parties of high tech electronic devices & computers uses state of the art applied science to practice crime, Taken out of the laboratory & into the home, The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. That is precisely why the military complex had these software & electronic devices & computers made. The idea behind this is to be able to manipulate any individual without their consent. We the People who take a stand & oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents & are punished or summarily killed. Many of us are victimized by our government, By being forcibly & falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that We are not taken seriously & pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with our credibility destroyed so no one will believe in us. The torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening & to look the other way so it won't happen to them, Our whole lives are completely destroyed because we who seek Justice somehow became a threat to their Orwellian society. You gotta stay credible & not into the ridicule Factor otherwise they would easily label you mentally ill so they can keep committing the crimes against We the People just because they think they could since they are Federal officers, Paula Reid, I'm having another day in the Matrix with your Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops, Take in consideration I'm being remotely control & in a thoughtless mind frame my vocabulary is being manipulated, Their song & dance of the day, Oh Raymond we have numerous college degree & training at the academy at Quantico, You have none. ( I replied why would I want to be part of a cesspool of narcissistic sociopath bisexual & child molester of Federal officers & why would I want or need a college degree & Quantico training. ( To be a bisexual & a child molester ( Not a prayer in hell ) So in other words use are telling me with your college degree & Quantico training Was to learn how to suck cock & rape children from behind government doors, Oh my) The beauty about the corrupt system, When exposed it crucify their own, & they cry like biches being exposed by their own, You & I know it, It's to pretend they're draining the swamp, Oh my ) Now with that said, ( it is easier to die then becoming a Yegua"Cop or be one of their colleagues or associates with blinders waiting for that yellow envelope ) We live in a world of diarrhea, People refuse to do the right thing for money, They love playing psychological games with the matrix, Highly experienced in false narrative & fictional pretense, When I'm writing this short post, They make it sound in my head that it was me & not them, I always reply to them, Your psychological games will not work on me regardless if you can make it look like if it was me or family member, This is what they do ( Imaging them self-raping children then they turn it around to make it look like if it was me or my family members, Besides Imaging raping my ex probation officers & their children, Who they also belong to a group of federal officers in the mind control field, Both groups are in disagreement about the atrocities being committed, But refuse to testify against each other, As one group throws the switch of high-intensity torture the other group pretends to ease the torture. Which is bullshit because both groups wants me in their group, Facts are Stranger than Fiction, I rather die fighting on my feet then living on my knee, All it comes down to is for them not to be exposed for who & what they are, These are some of their preference, Oh Raymond, ( It is what it is ) The whole system is corrupt, Oh Raymond, This is who & what we are, Oh Raymond It cannot & will not happen to us, It's our preference being bisexual & child molester, Raymond, Keep the lie big Keep the lie simple Keep saying it & Eventually they will believe it, & neither group will testify against each other, I do not expect neither Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops, to testify against each other, What I do expect to see all of use doing life in Florence super-max penitentiary, Remember what use Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops told me, It cannot & will not happen to us, Oh Raymond we're doing it for our government, I replied look at the news & see how many tens of thousands of innocent people have been targeted, From Janitor to Judges, There are a range of federal employees from field officer to Judges, That are waiting for the right opportunities to expose these atrocities that are being committed by use & your FBI associates & contractor, ( So kill me, use are still going to prison )