Saturday, December 5, 2015

For those who are interested in putting away hardcore criminals

For those who are interested in putting away hardcore criminals that are safety crime public reporters or political leaders or law enforcement, This is what's going on in Dade County Florida,, Personnel of government having a government prerequisite calling is there a moment when you say to yourself what purpose does it serve to have a federal requirement profession or law when your hands are tied when you stumble upon your Colleagues executing unlawful capital crimes, & you are advised to look the other way, & you look the other way not to lose your federal profession, Even though it's Notwithstanding the way it clashes with your morals & better judgment, Despite the fact that it conflicts with your ethics & better judgment, Now disclose to me what reason does it serve, The penance & devotion that you made becoming a federal professional or law enforcement, What I can tell you, You have weakened your better judgment, ethics penance & devotion as the federal professional that you are, because of your shortcomings of their capital crimes Who's excessively say the individuals who influence you to look the other way, at a later date won't implicate you in their capital crimes, or take you out altogether by not confiding in you to keep their secret of capital crimes. Rogue Federal officers will do all kinds of unscrupulous tactics to get what they want knowing is immoral as long as it fits their ruthless agenda. Now I'm bringing you to the start of this ordeal. In 1984 when I was at a friend's house by the name of Tyrone & Kenneth Mitchell I was waiting outside in my car suddenly & unexpectedly a feeling came over me of being watched within my own head of all my activities & thoughts after a week things went back to normal, then it reoccur again in 1989 or 1988 when I was working as a driver for a tractor trailer dealership, I can't recall if it was Highway 24 or 40 In Tennessee I was traveling with three tractor's from Illinois when I got pulled in the scale house in Tennessee the DOT & one state trooper ask me where I was coming from & where I was going, I replied, I picked them up in Illinois & delivering them in Miami Florida, Then they asked me if they could search the tractor's I reply feel free to search them, They proceeded to search the tractor's when they realize there was nothing in the tractor's but chains binders & harness to piggyback the tractors they were angry & proceeded to lie & gave me substantial fines, On which I had to call the dealership for the money, when I was making my call from the DOT payphone the state trooper was practically in my face & as I was talking to the owner of the dealership suddenly & unexpectedly feeling came over me again I could hear the thoughts of the state trooper coming over the phone line, as he pretended in telling me don't tell them nothing, As I was speaking to the owner of the dealership to make me assume it was the owner of the dealership, There is a problem with that never in my life I thought of committing a crime never-the-less of smuggling drugs that is why it did not work, when I got to Florida I told my boss the owner of the dealership, he had his wife call the governor of Tennessee & they raised a ruckus about it, I lived most of my life in South Florida famously known as the Magic City & the capital of drugs & law enforcement corruption, even our late President Ronald Reagan said on national television why are we building a state-of-the-art Police Department in dade county Fl, they are all drug dealers. Onward to May, 1996 suddenly & unexpectedly this feeling came over me again of being watched of all my activities & thoughts, the federal officer's proceeded to talk to me while I was lying in bed & telling me do not fight it.  We will leave soon, well they did not leave instead they were trying to break me with without sleep, Due to sleep deprivation from direct energy, by cognitive Behavior & constantly repetitively provoking me into every type of emotional, physical & intellectual response imaginable, they keep me Mr. Del Toro in a constant state of fatigue drowsiness exhaustion migraine Headaches etc. Is the tactic they used to wear me down with acting Irrational & erratic. Street Theater is based on conversational Scenarios & situational scenarios designed to capture the attention of the target individual. (Which in this case is me Mr. Del Toro) There main Objective has always been to discredit me Mr. Del Toro & to stop me from exposing them, So their strategy Is to continuously behave in a manner that will keep me Mr. Del Toro off Balance & in a thoughtless mind frame, by engaging in extreme Calumny slander & disinformation by trying to characterized me Mr. Del Toro as an incompetent person lacking power to Act with legal Effectiveness & unable to perform specified Act & making me seem to Others that do not know me Mr. Del Toro without adequate ability to think Correctly by sending me specified codes messages using trigger words Numbers & phrases to enhance their terrorist effects by hideous actions, behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target individual to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values & beliefs, & to break down the human spirit to make them submit & obey their handlers. notouch torture methods used in secret by Rogue Personnel of governments who possess these technologies. This is why In 1998 I broke & became their drug smuggling mule, & when I learned they were child molesters murderers rapists etcetera, I had all I could take of these profoundly evil Rogue NSA/FBI officers, Therefore they had me arrested February 3rd 1999, In Corpus Christi Texas with their drugs to see if prison would persuade me to look the other way against their child molestations murders rape etc, nor prison nor death could persuade me to look the other way, Specially with grown men that are highly educated & made a career in NSA/FBI, Law implementation. After I was released from prison they continued conversing with me to see if I accept their bribery of money & to erase my drug conviction felon they gave me while I was smuggling their drugs, along with offering to make me a Miami police officer for their reassurance of my silence & to date one of their female Federal Officer so I could be trained by them & work from my home with their invasive technology, once again they did not like my respon, all you could do to me, is to kill me. Also Sanchez wanted me to date one of his family member who is a U-S Marshal at FDC Miami Fl.  also another NSA Officer wanted me to date his sister-in-law to & Etc, All of this was for my silence, let's go to the time when I broke & started running their drugs in 1998, They pay me a hundred sixty thousand dollars for 33 hours of driving, for a thousand pound of Colombian gold, going back to 1994 & the beginning of 1995 for a decade or so, I was a close friend with Jesse Sarmiento who happens to be the brother of the ex-police officer Luis Sarmiento famously known as Mr Kilowatt in his Miami Police Department, Luis Sarmiento & two other police officers were arrested in December,13, 1993 & charged with protecting a drug trafficking organization that police said distributed up to 95 kilograms of cocaine a week in Dade & Broward counties. a year or so after Louis arrest we became close, therefore i taught him how to drive a tractor trailer & took him over the road with me. you must understand up to this point I have never committed a crime, one day Louis sarmiento stops by my house & confesses to me Raymond now they want me to be a Metro Dade police officer, but I cannot allow that they'll have me committing atrocities, It's bad enough that I am under their control I am not going to be their scapegoat or leg man, Jumpping ahead to when I broke & agreed to smuggle their drugs in 1998. Luis Sarmiento offer to go with me to smuggle the federal officers drugs, but at the last moment he had a change of heart therefore I took his brother instead with me twice, I am leaving the good stuff for behind closed doors, In addition one of their Female Federal Colleagues came to United States in the 1980 Mariel boatlift, the praises that Sanchez & his Colleagues gave her as a team player & I thought we were in America not in a third world Banana Republic, in addition I know about of one CIA operative that Associates with them, One of the Anglo heritage rogue federal officer met me at the Mall of the America in Miami to discuss about buying a 50 to 60 thousand dollars tractor, The other NSA officer, Paul Mallas, whose last name I may have misspelled, had me pick up his government 05 Land Rover last 9 VIN number 85A460462 on 10/20/07, with NSA tag from DC 942HND & decal across the street at 17225 S Dixie Hwy from the Land Rover dealership at16750 S DIXIES Hwy in South Miami FL. His phone number, at the time was #305-915-9366. I towed it across the street, to the Land Rover dealership. going back to 1998, Sanchez told me on one of the drug runs from Mc Allen Texas to Miami Florida,  On i-10 in Louisiana. one of the anglo rogue federal officer's tried to kill me, by having my tractor do a 360 On i-10, in which I spun off the highway, into a fence. Some of the Reasons why there is hatred among the groups of Rogue Federal officers specially between the Anglo & the Cuban heritage is control of power & racism & the manipulation of civilians with their high-tech mind control computers, I Mr Del Toro have a unique case for the simple fact that I was their drug smuggling mule. Is the reasons why they will be easy to indict, On drug trafficking, drug smuggling, racketeering, murder, blackmail, extortion, rape, child molestation, racism & money laundering, which they disguise the original ownership & control of the proceeds of criminal conduct by making such proceeds appear to have derived from a legitimate source, etc" Is the reasons they are being interrupted by a small group of federal officers that are waiting for the right opportunity of improper political issues to be resolved, In case the political issue, of charges against the accused for abuse of classified Technology could not be used as evidence for reasons of improper national security, They're making my life into a living hell short of killing me or making it look like an accident or a suicide & yes they are Trying, If I'm Killed, & the once that are protecting me can not come forward because improper political issues to stop Sanchez & his colleagues in time. Or perhaps their hands are tied & they are encouraged to look the other way not to lose their federal profession or become a Target themselves, Despite the fact that it conflicts with their ethics & better judgment. What reason does it serve, the penance & devotion that they made in becoming a federal professional In law enforcement, What I can tell you & them they smell of yellow with a yellow line from head to toe, they have weakened their ethics better judgment penance & devotion as the federal professional that they are, Who's too say those who influence them to look the other way at a later date won't implicate them in their capital crimes or otherwise, by their shortcoming in looking the other way against their capital crimes or take them out altogether by not trusting them, of their capital crimes. Why I say this I know the money they made by me smuggling their drugs without Counting there other Criminal Enterprises. protecting drug lords, blackmail, extortion, money laundering, racketeering, Etc. Nor I wasn't the only civilian smuggling their drugs. Sanchez has Two Family Member that Work at FDC MIA FL, As U-S Marshall who happen To be A Mother & Daughter Team. That's In case if I'm Killed & it will lead you to the rest of the rogue Federal officers, There is a growing concern in our great nation of our political leaders & law enforcement that are allowing these atrocities to go on without accountability. that are not rogue but are spineless cowards that have allowed themselves to be manipulated puppets of bureaucracy, Political Leaders & Government Personnel what happened by virtue of your Oath & office."Isn't justice & freedom worth fighting for to see tomorrow's generations to grow up as respectable world leaders or law abiding citizen & not tyrants & free of manipulation of rogue personnel of government with diabolical souls that believe they have the right to impose their will on We the People as they see fit, I'am being targeted because of my willingness to expose these barbaric crimes that I witnessed with my own eyes that I refuse to look the other way against. The difference between the cybernetic technology & physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target individual mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target individual is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups’ attention. ,  Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch, torture & interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target individual to make the target individual believe people have broken in & moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid. Electricity & Shocks, Pain & fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture & Shocking the testicles & nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity.  please take in consideration that I am being heavily tortured with Direct Energy that is why I go back & forth between time with great gaps, more often than not as I'm trying to put the events of the Rogue Federal officers on paper. behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, & erase brain patterns such as values & beliefs, & to break down the human spirit to make them submit & obey their handlers. I am put in a state of thoughtless mind frame, which I find myself not remembering my own name, they are trying to erase from my memory the events their names & facial appearance, But I’m documenting the facts it motivates the rogue federal Officers even more to destroy my credibility & their attempt of killing me, along with portray me Mr. Del Toro as delusional. We the People who take a stand & oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents & are punished or summarily killed. Many of us are victimized by our government, By being forcibly & falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that We are not taken seriously, & pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with our credibility destroyed so no one will believe in us. The torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening & to look the other way so it won't happen to them, Our whole lives are completely destroyed because we who seek Justice somehow became a threat to their Orwellian society. You gotta stay credible & not into the ridicule Factor otherwise they would easily label you mentally ill so they can keep committing the crimes against We the People just because they think they could. This particular group of federal officers committed multiple capital crimes, & their implication of other civilians, local law enforcement & other Federal Personnel of government across the board Is why they fear for their incarceration, Ricardo Sanchez, Frank, Joe, Jack, Paul M, Paul 2, Ricky Sanchez, Ralph, Butch, Daniel Soto, He went to grade school with me, & the list goes on. What extent is it going to take for a reputable Federal Officer to grow a spine & not one from South Florida reasons why some of them will be prosecuted & incarcerated but not the head of this organized crime family of Rogue Federal officers from behind government doors there is no great in cutting the snake's tail without cutting the head of the snake. I have not put my life at danger & my family just to see the tail of the snake prosecuted & incarcerated. In light of the fact that the head of the snake will regroup in a much more grounded & more astute way not to be distinguish or prosecuted for capital crimes & with a much simpler method for slaughtering their Target & arranged for their danger in jail with Trump charges..,Personnel of government in the event that you are not able would you please pass this onto Paula Reid She has no idea whats going on behind her back for the sake of her good name without her knowledge or consent how genuine this string is. in light of her degenerate officers that she is not mindful of & there FBI Associates, For Paula Reid to consider precisely what's Going on in the face of her good Name, Since I've been trying to reach out to Paula Reid, of the Medley FL NSA field office. "Why" I'am reaching out to Paula Reid I have the most respect for Paula Reid she is not afraid to have her own colleagues fired for Misconduct or incarcerated for criminal offense, On 8/20/15 I was in a heated argument with Sanchez & he slip of the tongue & made a threat against Paula Reid if she investigates her own officers & their FBI Associates, This is how evil & corrupt this particular group of Rogue Federal officers are, Sanchez mentioned to another one of his colleagues that not only them, but another group of officers despise Paula Reid, (That are in the loop of corruption) & well rank in the field of Microwaves electromagnetic frequencies, This is why this technology is accompany with a high standard of Corruption, Therefore I have sent Registered letters knowingly it would not be received by her because of her corrupt officers that she is not aware of. I would like nothing more then to see the two secret service officers that came to my house On May 6th 2015 from the Baltimore MD, Secret Service field office, That were concerned about Paula Reid safety, & for them to pass this onto Paula Reid, for her to determine, How serious this thread is. & to consider very carefully what's Going on behind her back with a great majority of her officers & there FBI associates, This is why I'm posted this on Facebook in hope someone will bring it to Paula Reid's attention                                                                       Mr Del Toro 1006 Trimble Rd Joppa MD 21085 # 443-465-8964

Saturday, September 19, 2015

special agent Paula Reid,

I have an inquiry for the Federal officers that are keeping me alive, These law violations have been going on sufficiently long, Is it on the grounds that the proposition you all made me of riches or is it in light of the fact that the code of blue won't permit you all to respect your sworn pledge as Federal officers while viewing your partners perpetrating capital wrongdoings or is it on the grounds that you folks can't escape prison time not one or the other, Well sometime some federal agent is going to come to my door & inquire as to yourself Federal officers & the sanchezes, God willing it will be special agent Paula Reid, She is not hesitant to have her own particular associates let go for Unfortunate behavior or incarcerate for criminal offense, Then it will be past the point of no return for Reclamation & second thoughts of not making the best decision, Saw that regular that goes by individuals are understanding that the unlawful acts of gatherings of Rogue Federal officers can't proceed particularly at law enforcement levels, which permits Rogue Federal officers to utilize their field office as a spread & front for capital crimes violations of drug trafficking drug smuggling racketeering premeditated murder & homicide shakedown blackmail torture assault child molestation rapes racist wrongfully imprisonment money laundering Which They mask the first proprietorship & control of the returns of criminal behavior by making such continues seem to have gotten from a honest to goodness source by abusing the innovation that they have in their field office. I am exposing so as to do all that i can & bringing mindfulness through online networking of these criminal acts carried out by NSA/FBI out of Dade County Florida, In Trust a decent Government Officer with a spine that has faith in Equity & not in the code of blue to connect with me Mr Del Toro, when I let them know I was going to uncover them they had me arrested FEB 1999 in Corpus Christi Texas with their own drugs, To dispose of me the danger, They are giving it their best shot to stop me. On 8/20/15 I was in a warmed contention with Sanchez & he slip of the tongue & made a danger against Paula Reid in the event that she examines her own officers & their FBI Partners, This is the manner by which insidious & degenerate this specific gathering of Rogue Federal officers are, Sanchez said to another of his associates that them, as well as another gathering of officers scorn Paula Reid, (that are in the loop of corruption) & well rank in the field of human Control of Microwaves electromagnetic frequencies, Is the reason this innovation is go with an elevated requirement of Defilement, Is intended to keep away from consideration & fault for the culpable party. These Rogue Federal officers are taken point of interest to perpetrate criminal acts inside "Paula Reid's" field office & in cahoots with their FBI Partners, I Mr Del Toro would like for Paula Reid to consider deliberately what's Going ahead in the face of her good faith with an incredible betrayal of her officers & there FBI partners, this is on the grounds that they are traded off by me uncovering them, I'm reaching out to you Paula Reid, So you can be mindful of what's going ahead in the face of your good faith without your insight or assent, Paula Reid you could depict me as whimsical or marked me as dissenters or coercively & dishonestly misdiagnosed me with an emotional instability so that I Mr Del Toro am not considered important, & pushed me to the edges of society & expelled me by and large from society, & crushed my believability so nobody will have confidence in me. In any case, that won't change the actualities that you are despised an undermined on the off chance that you discover their unlawful acts by your own officers & their FBI Partners, Since I've been attempting to connect with you special agent-in-charge Paula Reid, of the Medly FL NSA field office. "Reasons Why" I have the most regard for you Paula Reid you are not hesitant to have your own particular associates let go for Unfortunate behavior or detained for criminal offense, Along these lines I have sent register letters purposely it would not be gotten by you due to your degenerate officers without your insight.