Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Via Direct Energy

Via Direct Energy the type of math that is being use by these degenerate rogue Federal officers out of Medley Florida with their FBI Associates. Is to analyze data, Is called statistics. It enables these degenerate corrupt Federal officers, To learn from numbers by measuring, controlling & communicating degrees of certainty & uncertainty, To make you feel like if you were thinking the unthinkable In other words they can make you Think you were God or a child molester, In addition they change your thought process & speech to what they want to make you feel & seem like to others, In other words it is their Own words but it sounds in your head Like if it's was Your Own. Some time's with forced rapid speech or cluttered speech,They use this tactic so the victim could be confused & make a fabricated statement against himself, by implanting a false description of the victim own thoughts, feelings, & actions. They Have the Innocent Guilty & To Make the Guilty Innocent. That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses, Which is the practice & outgrowth of the Pentagon & CIA Mind Control Programs, This technology created by government is designed to avoid detection & blame for the offending parties of high tech electronic devices & computers uses state of the art applied science to practice crime, Taken out of the laboratory & into the home, The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. That is precisely why the military complex had these software & electronic devices & computers made. We the People who take A stand & oppose this evil are labeled by rogue degenerate Federal officers, As dissidents & punished or summarily killed. Many of us are victimized by rogue degenerate Federal officers, By being forcibly & falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that We are not taken seriously, & pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with our credibility destroyed, So no one will believe in us, You got to stay credible & not fall into their Ridicule Factor. Our whole lives are completely destroyed because we who seek Justice somehow became a threat to their Orwellian society. In my case since I know them personally because I was there drug smuggling mule & one of them I went to grade school with, I learned their true nature to be murderer rapist & child molesters & etc, All I'm trying to do is to expose these corrupt federal officers out of Dade County Florida, .