Tuesday, November 26, 2019

MDI Mr. Del Toro was visited by two Secret Service agents out of Baltimore , On May 6th 2015, They were concern about the letter I posted on Facebook warning special agent-in-charge Paula Reid about her rogue NSA & their FBI associates out of her field office in 10350 NW 112 ave Medley FL, I replied I have no way in getting in touch with her,” Reason why" I have sent her numerous register letters to her field office knowingly that it will be intercepted by her NSA rogue officers, that she doesn't know about, I'm hoping that the two Secret Service agents out of Baltimore MD, Are sincere & not Rogue, They told me that her assistants gets her correspondence that made me leery, Because we the people know how strong the code of blue "IS" especially if their rogue, Reasons why my doubt they gave me the impression that they came to lock me up they were asking me why I was obsessed & if I wanted to do any harm to her. I answer where in my letter to Paula Reid suggests any harm or obsession with special agent-in-charge Paula Reid I have the most respect for her because she is not afraid to have her own colleagues fired or incarcerated for misconduct or criminal offense, For Paula Reid to consider very carefully what's going on behind her back with a great majority of her officers, & then they asked me if I thought the government was after me I answered NO if the government was after me they could take me in the middle of the street & shoot me & no one could do anything about it, & what I thought about government I reply we need government because without government criminals will come out & play. & then I went on saying, All I'm trying to do is to expose these federal officers out of Dade County Florida that I traffic their drugs & learned their true nature to be murderer rapist & child molesters & etc., for their incarceration . They shook my hand & told me keep doing what you're doing it is your constitutional right Mr. Del Toro, I Mr. Del Toro have a unique case for the simple fact that I was their drug smuggling mule. This is why they will be easy to indict, on money laundering, drug trafficking, drug smuggling, racketeering, murder, rape, child molestation & racism & etc. In case the political issue, of charges against the accused, for abuse of classified Technology, could not be used as evidence for reasons of national security, follow the money they're multi-millionaire with millions of dollars here & overseas. There is a growing concern in our great nation of our political leaders & law enforcement that are allowing these atrocities to go on without accountability That are not rogue but are spineless cowards that have allowed themselves to be manipulated puppets of bureaucracy, They Have the Innocent Guilty & To Make the Guilty Innocent. That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses, Which is the practice & outgrowth of the Mind Control Programs, This technology created by government is designed to avoid detection & blame for the offending parties of high tech electronic devices & computers uses state of the art applied science to practice crime, Taken out of the laboratory & into the home, The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. That is precisely why the military complex had these software & electronic devices & computers made. The idea behind this is to be able to manipulate any individual without their consent. We the People who take a stand & oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents & are punished or summarily killed. Many of us are victimized by our government, By being forcibly & falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that We are not taken seriously & pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with our credibility destroyed so no one will believe in us. The torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening & to look the other way so it won't happen to them, Our whole lives are completely destroyed because we who seek Justice somehow became a threat to their Orwellian society. You gotta stay credible & not into the ridicule Factor otherwise they would easily label you mentally ill so they can keep committing the crimes against We the People just because they think they could since they are Federal officers, Paula Reid, I'm having another day in the Matrix with your Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops, Take in consideration I'm being remotely control & in a thoughtless mind frame my vocabulary is being manipulated, Their song & dance of the day, Oh Raymond we have numerous college degree & training at the academy at Quantico, You have none. ( I replied why would I want to be part of a cesspool of narcissistic sociopath bisexual & child molester of Federal officers & why would I want or need a college degree & Quantico training. ( To be a bisexual & a child molester ( Not a prayer in hell ) So in other words use are telling me with your college degree & Quantico training Was to learn how to suck cock & rape children from behind government doors, Oh my) The beauty about the corrupt system, When exposed it crucify their own, & they cry like biches being exposed by their own, You & I know it, It's to pretend they're draining the swamp, Oh my ) Now with that said, ( it is easier to die then becoming a Yegua"Cop or be one of their colleagues or associates with blinders waiting for that yellow envelope ) We live in a world of diarrhea, People refuse to do the right thing for money, They love playing psychological games with the matrix, Highly experienced in false narrative & fictional pretense, When I'm writing this short post, They make it sound in my head that it was me & not them, I always reply to them, Your psychological games will not work on me regardless if you can make it look like if it was me or family member, This is what they do ( Imaging them self-raping children then they turn it around to make it look like if it was me or my family members, Besides Imaging raping my ex probation officers & their children, Who they also belong to a group of federal officers in the mind control field, Both groups are in disagreement about the atrocities being committed, But refuse to testify against each other, As one group throws the switch of high-intensity torture the other group pretends to ease the torture. Which is bullshit because both groups wants me in their group, Facts are Stranger than Fiction, I rather die fighting on my feet then living on my knee, All it comes down to is for them not to be exposed for who & what they are, These are some of their preference, Oh Raymond, ( It is what it is ) The whole system is corrupt, Oh Raymond, This is who & what we are, Oh Raymond It cannot & will not happen to us, It's our preference being bisexual & child molester, Raymond, Keep the lie big Keep the lie simple Keep saying it & Eventually they will believe it, & neither group will testify against each other, I do not expect neither Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops, to testify against each other, What I do expect to see all of use doing life in Florence super-max penitentiary, Remember what use Demonic crooked scum "Yegua" cops told me, It cannot & will not happen to us, Oh Raymond we're doing it for our government, I replied look at the news & see how many tens of thousands of innocent people have been targeted, From Janitor to Judges, There are a range of federal employees from field officer to Judges, That are waiting for the right opportunities to expose these atrocities that are being committed by use & your FBI associates & contractor, ( So kill me, use are still going to prison )

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Supervisor in charge Paula Reid your officers that are in the mind control program, A great number of them are child molesters & bisexuals sociopath, Have a major problem with civilian children always Imaging themself raping them especially Little Ricky Sanchez & the one he calls brother that I went to go visit him at your medley field office, Not only they image themself committing profanity on We the People. But on yourself Paula Reid, & then they turn it around to try to make it look like if it was me or my family member by using Force speech an overlapping me with their diabolical thoughts to make it sound like it was in my head, & One of them is no longer in your field office he's working for another Federal Branch, Your NSA officers work alongside their FBI Associates, To practice Capital crime & Little Ricky Sanchez has AIDS, They are three different Sanchez that are not related, One of the other "Yegua" cuban Federal Officer is married to an Anglo women, & all were born in Cuba except Little Ricky Sanchez, & another one of their female Associate came in the Mariel boatlift & became a federal officer that one I never met, they are a cesspool of bisexual deviance that formed a group of Federal officers & contractors to commit all types of capital crimes, They are the most diabolical profound evil among them, One of the Anglo heritage rogue federal officer met me at the Mall of the America in Miami to discuss about buying a 50 to 60 thousand dollars tractor, The other NSA officer, Paul Mallas, whose last name I may have misspelled, had me pick up his government 05 Land Rover last 9 VIN number 85A460462 on 10/20/07, with NSA tag from DC 942HND & NSA decal on the windshield, towed it across the street from 17225 S Dixie Hwy to Land Rover dealership at16750 S DIXIES Hwy in South Miami FL. His phone number, at the time was 305-915-9366. Earlier that year I went to your NSA medley field office & seen your NSA officer Joe or David who I nicknamed him Liberace him & his brother are the worst "Yegua" of all federal officers who brags how he runs a flagship with the government highly secret technology, & one of the Federal Officer I went to grade school with Daniel Soto, There is an Anglo female probation officer who was recruited by other Federal officers in to the Mind control program, So call the Weapon of god, She prior dated Federal Officer Jack, I called him a Bitch for allowing the "Yegua" Cuban Heritage Federal officers image themself raping her daughter that's a child in the eyes of everyone & has nothing to do with their sick diabotical lifestyle, They are constantly Imaging raping her, Her last name is Nylen, Supposedly it was explained to the angle federal officers that are in the mind control program why they were Imaging raping her daughter, There is no reason why, The reason they gave to Anglo side she wanted to recruit me for the Anglo side, She wanted to date me & she called me her dummy & why a grown ass woman will dress in her ten-year-old Catholic uniform, knowing very well that I despise child molesters & bisexuals, Facts are Stranger Than Fiction, The "Yegua" Cuban Heritage Federal officers they wanted me in their side that's Why, knowing very well that I despise them with passion for who & what they are, I also detest the anglo side, Supposedly the small group of Anglo federal offices out of Dade County Florida, That she belongs to are so call helping me?? to stay Alive until this improper political issue of this technology so call the Weapon of god it's resolved, Which I have a lot of questions for them to answer. They wait till I doze off to put me in places with them, although I'm awake & aware of all my surroundings. They tell me they're doing this so I can respect them in places, What these diabolical Federal Officer mean by places, The only way I know how to explain it, They put you in these blue screen hologram places with them, Just like when they're in their tactical room you can see them sitting behind a desk in a chair they don't allow you to see the electronics & nothing else usually they is two in that room & the other Federal Officer Bitches that they control, To force me to respect their preference of child molestation sociopath bisexual lifestyle, I would never respect any federal officers or otherwise, That are child molesters & bisexual Bitches, They don't like me calling them Bitches so they do this to me, They put child molestation site on my Facebook page as fast as they do that, The Anglo Federal officers, That are pretending helping me, They take it down, They brag how they done it to other Federal officials an Judges & FBI & NSA officers that are not in the mind control program, They brag how they got to go along with the program, I reply I am not them, I rather die on my feet than live on my knees, They reply by telling me that they will destroy or kill my family, Same threat they made to those innocent Judges FBI NSA an probation officers & State Officials, I replied do what you gotta to do you are going to do it anyway, They brag how they going to block my Facebook page for the facts not to come out, In hope you have read my story or it falls into the right hand, Paula Reid you are very well aware, “That Facts are Stranger Than Fiction” Especially in the position that you're in, I know that it has been brought up to your attention, Either by loyal colleagues or Associates, Paula Reid You have officers that I used to smuggle their drugs, Alongside their FBI Associates Via DEW state-of-the-art technology, That is highly classified. They Are Commiting every Capital crime imaginable to mankind, This technology created by government is designed to avoid detection & blame for the offending parties of high tech electronic devices & computers uses state of the art applied science to practice crime, Taken out of the laboratory & into the home,  The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. That is precisely why the military complex had these software & electronic devices & computers made. So call the weapon of god. They can make Society believe & indict a ham sandwich as to be Satan, To make the innocent look guilty & make the guilty look innocent, That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses. Society would be in a better place if all these Dirty cops were in Prison, They are  child molester sociopath bisexual Demonic degenerates. Now what purpose does it serve to keep torturing me. Knowing very well that I smuggle their drugs & I would rather die trying to expose these despicable barbaric dirty cops of NSA & FBI are. On May 6th 2015 I Mr. Del Toro was visited by two Secret Services Agents out of Baltimore MD, They were concern about the letter I posted On Facebook warning special agent-in-charge Paula Reid about her rogue NSA & their FBI associates out of Dade County FL, I replied I have no Way in getting in touch with her other than by sending her register Letters to her field office but knowingly that it will be intercepted by Her NSA rogue officers that she doesn't know about, & I’m maintaining These documents on file against them for the near future. & hoping that The two Secret Service agents out of Baltimore MD, Are sincere & not Rogue they told me that her assistant gets her correspondence that Made me leery, because we the people know how strong the code of blue is especially if their rogue, Reasons why I'm in doubt they gave me the Impression that they came to lock me up, They were asking me why I was Obsessed & if I wanted to do any harm to her. I replied where in my Letter suggests any harm or obsession with Agent-in-charge Paula Reid I have the most respect for her because she Is not afraid to have her own colleagues fired for misconduct or Incarcerated for criminal offense & then they asked if I thought the Government was after me. I answered NO if the government was after me They could take me in the middle of the street & shoot me & no one could Do anything about it, & what I thought about government, I reply we need Government because without government criminals will come out & play, All I'm trying to do is to expose these federal officers out of Dade County Florida that I traffic their drugs for & learned their true Nature to be murderer rapist & child molesters & etc., My doubts lifted Of the two Secret Service officers out of Baltimore Maryland, They shook my hand & told me it is your constitutional right to keep trying to expose them & then they left, I have a unique case for the simple fact that I was their drug smuggling mule. This is why they will be easy to indict, on money laundering, drug trafficking, drug smuggling, racketeering, murder, rape, child molestation & racism & etc. They Follow up by giving me a few pointers in trying to put closure to this Situation, they asked me when I was smuggling their drugs if it was Across the border, I replied No from Mc-Allen Texas to Miami Florida, They asked who stopped me. Was it the FED, I replied No it was a state Trooper, they were interested in who stop me, I've told them how it Happened that they picked up a local guy in a bar to drive my tractor, then the trooper proceeded to take me out to an open field with A small Shack I thought I was going to be killed but after 30 to 40 Minutes the trooper took me to Corpus Christi & arrested me. They ask What level of education I have & if I was in the military or had any Military training & if I had any weapons or own any weapons I replied NO & my last fist fight was when I was 12 years old, they went on to ask if I have any mental illness I replied NO & if I ever been evaluated by a Psychiatrist I replied YES & I was given a Good bill of mental health & If I was on disability or had disability or was on government assistance I replied I have never been on disability or government assistance. The Baltimore, MD, secret service agent went on to say I know something about you Mr Del Toro you don't do drugs or drink Alcohol. & I do understand their concern about the picture of special Agent-in-charge Paula Reid, so therefore I have taken them off my Facebook in respect to her & her Colleagues, But I had to get my message Across, When the two Secret Service agents from Baltimore MD came to my House on May 6-2015 they show me their badge & gave me their names, But Sanchez & his colleagues are trying to block their names from my memory but Couldn’t block their facial appearance from my memory, On a constant basis they try to bribe me. facts are Stranger Than Fiction, On my way to work they Tried to bribe me again by offering me again to date some of their Federal colleagues or contractor & millions of dollars & I replied money is nothing but toilet paper & your colleagues & contractor's are nothing but skank sociopath who believed in torturing & allowing their male Federal Officer to sodomized & rape man women & children, Also they offered me to work for you Paula Reid as a contractor with a 200,000 a year pay, When I refused all hell broke loose I replied All you could do to me is kill me, I would like for you to ask yourself who has that type of pull in you're field office. There is Two ways they apply this technique so-called chatterbox by hitting a Switch & letting the computer do the work for them or by live feed from There tactical room or their residence, that's what they do to me on a constant basis, They Completely numb my head & it felt like my head was swollen two or three Times the normal size, & they have full control of my Limbs & body. Along with applying their true nature, of the diabolical Lifestyle they live by. They're constantly putting their diabolical sociopath mentality over My's it is the most disturbing & evil a person can feel they are very sick I don't know how they can live with themselves, & keepping me in a constant fatigue like I'm going to crumble & fall to the ground, They keep imaging one of their "Yegua" Cuban Heritage female face over my face thinking that I'm going to get used to that how can anyone get used to a diabolical sociopath. They follow up with Raymond we doing what we got to do Because we're not going to prison, On May 21, 2015 Sanchez & his Colleagues again have full control of my phone, this is the number that Appears 786-353-4422 when I call out & when people call me Mr. Del Toro On my Phone, That's a Dade county FL number but I have a Maryland number 443-465-8964 & when I called that Dade county FL, number it comes out as A non-working number? I'm a tractor trailer driver & when I'm on the Highway they confused my thought sensor & deception creating synthetic Image & holograms of off ramps where none exists to confuse my visual Sense. To obscure my vision so they could kill me in an accident that they made happen, in other words to create synthetic images so real that You cannot distinguish it from something that was your own memories. & if I'm not careful they'll have me writing & saying what they want by manipulating my grammar & my vocabulary or speech they easily talk through me to make it look like it was me having a conversation with myself or with them, They can make you feel you were delusional To frame me so they could make the Innocent Guilty & to make the Guilty Innocent, They Will use these fabricated thoughts to convince you that the fabricated Thoughts & memory & responses are your own. The more plausible deniability & indirection they establish for themselves & the more they discredit me their target individual, What they do is engage in confusion & disruption tactics based on deception & manipulation, along with sleep deprivation, Then they cause the confused & deceived victim to see if they make mistakes, They then amplify the mistakes of the victim with constant hyper game theory disruption & confusion tactics, This is how It works. Everything they do is done in a way to cause people to believe it is a common ordinary expected occurence being tortured, What fucking planet do they live in, When such tactics happen twenty-four Seven a day to wear you out to see if you break, To make you their puppet when they say jump you got to say how high, Subliminally. A sophisticated electronic system to speak directly to the mind of the targeted individual, to alter & entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate his brain’s electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns & artificially implant negative emotional states-feelings of fear, anxiety, despair & hopelessness. This subliminal system doesn’t just tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it, it implants that emotion in their minds. According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc. Using supercomputers, to analyse human emotional EEG patterns & replicate them, then store these emotion signal clusters on another computer &, at will, silently induce & change the emotional state in a human being. I'm exposing this to the full extent, Therefore we Ti's must stay credible & not into the ridicule Factor otherwise they would easily label us mentally ill so they can keep committing the crimes against us Ti's, The KEY is to stay credible & not fall into the ridicule Factor that they want us to fall in By making the appropriate Verbalizing & performing a related action, which is known as 'Verification' the remote neural monitoring system is designed to Provoke you emotionally, intellectually, physically, etc., those Responses during the remote neural monitoring period & subsequently map Out the sensory & neural pathways of your brain & your central nervous System, they will use these whimsical memories to convince you that the Fabricated synthetic holograms were your own, they will also fabricate 'Conversational' & 'situational' scenarios' to make it look like if it was your own thoughts or memory, I am being attack with migraine headaches an extreme tension in my lobe temporal lobe parietal & lobe occipital & chronic Sleep Deprivation in addition they can easily move any parts of my body, another tactic that they're using to try to break My will They will make you stutter by breaking your speech pattern to override you with their Own word's, Take in consideration that I am being constantly put in a Mindless thought  frame Reasons to make you seem incoherent or with mental illness to lock you up in a mental hospital or to hit you with fabricated charges, To incarcerate you. That's how they destroy people's life it’s all about operating Well outside the Constitutional rule of law in effort to terrorize & Demoralize a target individual; They have mastered the art of being Prevaricator with this invasive technology created by government & being Misused to commit crimes by rogue Federal officers, The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. They Have the Innocent Guilty & To Make the Guilty Innocent, & That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses. I Mr. Del Toro I'm a targeted individual because of my willingness to expose these barbaric crimes that I witnessed with my own eyes that I Refuse to look the other way against. The more i document what they are doing the more they torture me, Plausible deniability is the ability for persons (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by their Rogue NSA & FBI officers. (usually subordinates in an organizational hierarchy) Even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions . In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable & unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act of Capital crime in order to insulate themselves & shift blame onto their Rogue NSA & FBI officers who carried out the acts of Capital crime, The Most Powerful Entity on Earth. That is precisely why the military complex had these software & electronic devices & computers made. This classified technology so call the weapon of god. They can make the innocent look guilty & make the guilty look innocent, That's Power. Because They Control The Minds Of The Masses confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise. it's not because of lack of evidence, The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions to plausible avoid responsibility for their (future) actions & knowledge. In some organizations, legal doctrines such as command responsibility exist to hold major parties responsible for the actions of subordinates involved in heinous acts nullify any legal protection that their denial of involvement would carry. to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible, that is, credible, although sometimes it merely makes it unactionable.